
LOVE: The Mother Principle

Nearing the close of the Eclipse Window, lots of avenues for change and growth abound! Also, solar radiation is high and really being FELT as the matrix is being restored. You could be feeling anxious, having insomnia, irritability, emotional outbursts, as well as more physical symptoms of joint aches and pains, headaches, muscle cramps, nerve …

“I Smell Children!”

Let us discuss the powers of scent! Awareness of aromatherapeutics and their power has been present throughout many different cultures for millenia. Their use in healing, especially connected to the mind and their ability to alter perception, has been a staple for use in sacred ceremonies and in folklore- even modern times. (Hint: How do …

Reprogramming your Patterns

When reprogramming your mental and emotional patterns, it is important to recognize your triggers. However, in my experience, it is CRITICAL to forgive/accept your role and others’ role in that trigger. Let us use the evaluation of road rage again. From where does the anger stem? Fear? Impatience? Lack of consideration from other self?These are …

Emotion- Energy in Motion

Emotion- Energy in Motion It is important to use it wisely for optimal health. What have I found works best? 1- Take an observer role to understand your patterns- Why do you respond the way you do? How long have you been responding the same way without much thought, in other words, purely reactionary? Is …

Your Body as a Teacher

YOUR BODY AS A TEACHER What we are slowly coming to realize as a collective is that our body, both individually and as a group, serves as a teacher. It shows you where awareness is needed and when imbalances occur. It typically begins as something small, and if unabated due to ignorance or denial, the …

Viruses- Programming for Awareness

What actually are viruses? Cohorts/Codes of programming that help to redirect areas of imbalance. Why do we experience them? The body seeks balance, or homeostasis, always. How does this apply to what has happened over the past 2.5 years? “Corona”=Crown=Unity Consciousness It isn’t what we were told as fear has been used to control for …

Mystic Musings- Days of the Week

Let there be LIGHT!1st day- Light/Fire~ Sunday ROOT2nd day- Firmament~ Moon-day SACRAL3rd day- Earth, Seas, and SEED~ Tuesday(Mars) SOLAR PLEXUS4th day- Sun, Moon, Stars~ Wednesday(Mercury)- HEART💚5th day- Air & Water Creatures~ Thursday(Jupiter)- THROAT6th day- Land animal/Humans~ Friday(Venus)- THIRD EYE7th day- Sabbath-Day of Rest~ Saturday(Saturn)- CROWN